Growing up, I lived with my father and his wife for a good majority of the time. During one spring, his wife spent 4 months in Russia studying the language and politics. Besides getting
Brinner on a regular basis, it also meant I got a chance to be another "man-of-the-house".

I relished this opportunity to act like an adult, help around the house, and be responsible. One of the things I would do with some regularity was make lunches for everyone to take to school (me and my sisters) or to work (my father).
I knew he had a love for Peanut Butter (which I also share), so I would make him PB&J, with a twist. In my 10-year old eyes, I thought an extra Peanut Butter surprise would be welcomed.
So I would spread out the PB on the bread, nice and thick like he liked it. Then, I would take a heaping table spoon of PB, splunk it right in the middle, then put jelly around it.
He never said anything about it, but did regularly thank me for packing the lunches.
I wonder if he ever noticed the extra dollop of PB in the middle...
Poop and Boogies once wrote about the proper way to make a PB&J...and I am with his dad...PB down, jelly on top, then a clean piece of bread on top of that. It is proper.
I have eaten PB&J toast most mornings for the past 5 years...something about good bread, peanut butter and Sarabeth's Peach Apricot jam that just goes so well with the morning cup of coffee.
I had pb&j for lunch yesterday, made in the most proper of proper ways. It dismays me that my kids think pb&j is "yuck!" I thought I'd never meet anyone who disliked this delicious staple, and then I went and unleashed two of them on the world!
I've never had pb&j toast, though. Perhaps I'll broaden my horizons this morning.
MMmm...PB&J...I love to toast my bread and then make the gets the PB so smooshy! Of course, I'm from Tennessee so why not love the grilled PB and Banana sandwich! ;-)
In NY there's a store that ONLY sells PB&J sandwiches. Some call it a great place for lunch. I call it heaven.
That's the lunch menu in this house!
I am thirsty just reading this post. LOL.
I have never heard of making the sandwich in that way (pb with jelly on top) I put pb on one piece of bread and then jelly on the other piece of bread.
Why does Peanut Butter hate me!
I'm not crying, its just raining on my face.
it's been so long since i've had pb&j, it's so tasty. granted i'm a little picky when it comes to the jelly part because i hate fruit clumps so i basically have to spread it thin, i know, i'm weird like that.
Oh you just took me back to my childhood. Sitting in a field of sunflowers, eating an entirely homemade PB&J. Yes, my friend. Homemade peanut butter, homemade strawberry jam on homemade wheat bread, warm and wrapped in waxed paper. My grandma was amazing.
PB&J is so good with really fresh bread! And I found that in adult life, I love grape jelly PB&J much more than strawberry jelly. My Mom never liked grape jelly, and thus growing up I only had PB sandwiches!
OMG! I love PB&J . . . with strawberry jam and a big glass of extra chocolatey chocolate milk!
Never been a PBJ kids only like PBH (honey).
I have always preferred a hunk of rotting animal carcass. (Yep..I'm a carnivore.)
That explains the gas.
The Maid
Gotta admit that I don't really like PB&Js. I do, however, enjoy a peanutbutter and applebutter sandwich.
I also happen to be a peanutbutter connoisseur.
Really, there's nothing like a good PB&AB sammich.
Blogerpaloozza = people, drinks, laughs, more drinks, good food, Boston sightseeing, more drinks, memories.
What time will you be there?
No shout out to the pickiest PB & J the two of us have ever seen??!?!
The mildly OCD roommate - Clark Kent - microwaves his all natural PB, hand whips all natural PB for ten minutes, then applies all natural and creamy PB in perfect proportion across bread's surface. The Jelly takes less time, bananas are included from time to time, but c'mon already! Crusts cut, and MmmmMmmmmmmm...
(( BTW Thanks for letting another Californian here in TN Laura B))
My fav is Jif PB and raspberry jam on fresh whole wheat bread.
mmmm I love me some PB&J with Cheetos!
MMMMmmm good ... We ran out of bread so I'm having peanut butter and jelly right out of the jar using a spoon. I'm spooning with pb&j.
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