Since that time, the child she held has:
Bungee Jumped, multiple times...fallen in love, thrice...gotten straight A's...failed a class or two...been kicked out of a Denny's...interviewed by the police, twice...lit a forest fire...traveled some of the world...scuba dived...drove 145 mph...gotten 4 speeding tickets...graduated from HS...graduated from college...worked 3 different "careers"...owned 4-8 cars, depending on how they are counted...made the "Hall of Fame" for a body shop that repaired a badly damaged truck...eaten fried, boiled, and baked testicles...cried over beaten up...been a bully...broken all 10 fingers, some of them paid to play a sport...preached sermons...lead a HS group and 2 different college groups...said no to drugs...crushed pummeled by geometry...spent the night holding the hand of a person in the hospital...been very scared...experienced loss...broken someones heart...developed a personal relationship with God...started grad school...sat on a jury, twice...learned how to be slow to anger...forgot what it was like to be happy...remembered again how great life is...helped start a church...attended the World Series...cried at a movie or 10...moved away from home...moved across the country...chased a girl...sang in public...memorized a poem...took dancing lessons...written a poem...prayed out loud...conducted 3 weddings and a funeral...lost my hero...grew a beard...had surgery at least 3 times...voted in every election since turning 18...impersonated a major league baseball player in public...been a published writer...taken a "ride" in an ambulance twice...performed CPR...taken out sutures...smoked a Cuban cigar...crashed a motorcycle...lost a close friend...lost money in the stock market...bought and sold a house...owned a dog...wrestled cattle...planted and harvested corn...had too much to drink...dunked a basketball...been a teetotaler...ridden in a hot air balloon, small plane, and helicopter...ate food from a street vendor in 6 different countries...made someone else cry...learned how to cook...
And through all that, continues to love his mom. So yeah, I got that going for me.
Love this post. And you can tell how you feel about your mom - great pic.
You both have very nice smiles! :)
I am looking forward to what you add to the list next year.
Happy Birthday! I love what you wrote - the last line was the best!
So I guess you've been around - and have lived to tell about it. It sounds like you know how to embrace life and also know what truley matters!
What a great post about your mother! I enjoyed reading it and I hope your Mom had a chance to read it too!
What a great birthday post (minus the lighting a forest fire. I mean, seriously...that's not so great.)
But learning to cook? Very great.
Happy Birthday!
I'm sure your mom is very proud.
Happy Birthday to you (and, in a roundabout fashion, your mom)!
This is a great post. You've accomplished a huge amount in your young life. Pretty inspiring when you think of how much more life awaits.
Definitely hold onto that last line, for sure!
Happy Birthday Bogart! What a sweet post. I want to hear more about being interviewed by the police.
That deleted comment above? Yeah, that was me. Deleted it because I spelled "hear" as "here". Didn't want to look like a moron. I'm a little anal, can you tell?
I now know more about you than any guy I ever dated!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday Bogart. As always, more fun and more thoughtful than most.
But what about the Wii??
You have had so many more adventures than me. I need to get on that
Awwww... what a fantastic post. Happy Birthday!!
I got straight A's too. Then I met girls. Then I got B's. Then I found alcohol. Then I got a D.
Damn you, life!
Happy Birthday!
You forgot painted the walls with poop.
Happy Birthday and Congrats to mom on the really neat guy she raised!
And I'm with Lauren, a forest fire?
Wow, I don't even think I've "started" a can of sterno without help. You are awesome my friend.
what a great birthday post! hope you get to add some more things to that list this year :)
happy birthday!
Oh Bogart..
I forgot to tell you...Today is my daughters birthday too! ;) She was born in 2000. On Mother's Day!
And if you are anything like her, you are fantastic and challenging and fearless and smart and articulate and beautiful and stubborn...well, you get the picture!
Happy Birthday! To many more good times ahead.
Happy Real Birthday (sorry about the mix-up!)
You'll have to go into more detail about the forest's a great story....I'm sure your readers would love it!
Let's just say - high school graduation backpacking trip and too much lighter fluid...bogart - you fill in the rest!
Happy Birthday - that is quite a life you have going on. I liked this post - I feel like I know you a little better now and yet at the same time it just makes me have more questions...know what I mean?
What an awesome Mother's Day post! I am sure that having a son would have given me a heart attack, by now, so your mom deserves extra points!
I have been meaning to thank you for stopping by and leaving me such a nice comment. I really appreciate your kindness.
What a lovely post! I've seen your comments at other blogs I frequent but hadn't come to check you out before now. Very Cool... makes me think of what my kids' lists look like and will hopefully include one day.
Happy birthday! You aren't really old until you're 33, so have fun.
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