Thanks Scarlett...I, for one had fun.
As the April Champagne post indicated, Claire does leave today for 2
weeks. Her commitment to the US Navy includes 2 weeks a year, and these are the two weeks. She flys out today for a super secret location for super secret Navy Reserve things. Neither one of us are real stoked about the two weeks w/o contact, but she should have a good time and I will be staying busy.
One of the benefits of my job is the golf with clients that is a semi-regular occurrence. Today I am off to Virginia Beach National for a round. The wind will wreck havoc with the ball, so it should be interesting.
Next week, while in SoCal, I am going to start posting my top 50 songs of all time. This was inspired by RS27 over at Your Beard is Good. His list was very eclectic. I have always been proud of the variety of music that I appreciate and love, but very clearly his tastes wider than mine. The list will be my 50 favorites, not necessarily the 50 greatest. I guess that is all subjective anyway.
Ha. Good luck. Let me tell you its tough trimming down songs to a 100 or 50.
I could probably have gone on all day.
the whole switching posts thing was very clever, i enjoyed it.
At first glance, I read the title of this post as "Avril Lavigne," so I'll be curious to know if she shows up on your top 50 - which, regardless of whether she does or not, I'm most interested in reading!
RS27 - Yes, I am noticing that trend.
Katelin - Thanks. We had fun with it.
DKG - She might...or might not. No secrets released today.
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