Claire and I went for a run last night...more of a saunter really...when we got back, our Pastor was sitting at the front door...we chit chatted a bit and then I asked "so, you here to see someone?"
"Yes, you. We have that planning meeting at your house tonight, remember?"
Nope, did not remember, but did I say that? Of course not! Claire and I lied to pastor Hank...
"Oh, is it 7pm already? Whew, I thought it was earlier than that. The time change has thrown me off."
We dashed up stairs to my apartment, made sure it was clean (thank goodness we vacuumed last week), and ordered the pizza. I think we pulled it off, but I still think lying to your pastor should be a double sin.
Don't let Claire fool you...she was totally in on the lie.
Thought I would share some pics from the weekend...
The sisters at the morning know the all girl fest. Where was I? Drafting a baseball team. Oh yea!

I got a lesson in cooking later that afternoon from Tom and Jim...well, really Jim did all the teaching and Tom pointed stuff out...

Here I am making sure the crawfish knows I will win the fight...I actually think I am mad at this one because he pinched me...

After our little tift, that crawfish went into the pot...
Crawfish at this South Louisiana party get served in a wheel barrel. How cool is that?
We pulled out the best china for the food!
The Pina Colada machine got a lot of use...
Here are our hosts...Jim (Thanks for teach me all this!) and Sally (Sorry you almost died!)...
There seems to be much concern about the dance competition I have joined in May. I appreciate all the moves that you suggested. Many of them are in my repertoire. I plan on having the best moves perfected and will show South Louisiana how a Cali boy in P-Towne rolls.
you guys seem to have a lot of fun! i won't tell about the tiny lie! =)
That lie has so doomed you!! You need to be doing some damn good deeds to make up!!
Jeesh...wouldn't want to be standing near you during a lightning storm!
wow you weren't kidding when you said there was a lot of crawfish, sheesh.
How did you do with the draft. I will be in my first FF baseball league this year.
Amy - We always has not really mattered where we are or what we are doing, fun usually seems to follow us around. I am blessed!
WWofW - I know. There is no good in it...I just hope I remember next Monday's meeting.
Katelin - 250lbs is a lot of crawfish!
William - this is the 10th year of this league. I am cautiously optimistic about my team...I need to make some tweaks though. Be careful, FLB can be like crack.
that food looks DAMN good
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