We had a mostly great trip. The whole reason for the flight was for a baptism of one of Claire's best friends. She lives just outside of Baton Rouge and both her and her son were getting dunked...well, more like spilled on, but this is not a theology blog that I will be debating the biblical stance on sprinkle vs. full immersion...I digress.
Baptisms are one of my favorite things. As I mentioned last week, I really do cry at baptisms. They make me so happy. The service on Saturday was beautiful, Jack (the young'n) was so well behaved and even his mom did not act up much in church.
We really had a lot of fun and Claire got to spend some good time with one of her best friends...
Sunday was spent with Claire's family in LA...really good food, really great family, all-in-all a good day.
I guess that on Good Friday, it is tradition to boil crawfish and have a get together. Claire and I were on a plane and did not land in LA until 11pm on Friday night. We missed those festivities. Sad for us.
Although it was probably best since I think I put on 5lb's with the candy, brownies, and angel food cake that I threw down this weekend. I was like a 6'5 Kobayashi.
I did miss my family quite a bit and really was bummed not to see them. I also am bummed out about not being able to dye eggs with my Goddaughter and her sister...it had become somewhat of a tradition and it did not feel right not being there to do it with them...
The one tough spot this weekend was the unexpected passing of Claire's sister's dog, Presley. It was a young, sweet boxer with a great temperament and really was part of the family. Everyone was mourning the dog from Saturday night on.
It is amazing to me how much a dog can become part of the family if you let it. They are such amazing creatures that really can get into your heart and make a difference in your life. Presley was like that and she will be missed.
Thank you
- for understanding, for being here,for sharing Easter with us. We all appreciate it so much!
J in L-town
Thats sucks about presley.
If I may ask, how did the dog die? You said she was young...
I think churches should have those confetti poppers in the pews for when someone gets baptized. I mean, I think they are throwing confetti and shaking tambourines like crazy in Heaven, we should also be stirrin' it up...it's a celebration.
Also, I am sorry about Presley. I can cry just thinking about losing Pickles or Peanuts.
I agree with Scarlett's thought about the confetti. My oldest son expressed an interest in being baptized sometime soon and we talked about the meaning of the act, and were pleased to hear how he really 'gets it,' so I'm looking forward to watching him take this step in his faith.
Thank you for coming to Louisiana with my sweetest friend. It meant SO much to have you both here.
JinL - I was blessed to be there.
William - It really does. What a great dog!
WWoW - Not sure, but the low blood sugar was causing seizures...
Scarlet - I so agree and if I ever have my own church, that is exactly what I will pass out.
DKG - That is so cool. look forward to reading the story.
JW - I really enjoyed it and am glad I got to spend time with you guys...jack is a hoot!
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