Hope you said yes, because that is what I am going to do.
Me: "I enjoyed kissing you on Halloween, but we are too good of friends to be doing that. Let's never do that again."
Her: "I agree."
Me: "See you in school."
Her: "Yea, see ya."
The End.
I think the rest is too embarrassing, so I don't think I can share. Sorry.
By the way, Mom, this was really innocent. It was at a chaperoned party (Her Parents were there).
Don't worry Janet, I have really only ever had eyes for Claire...I just might not have known it all the time, but the minute I saw her I realized that every other girl I ever had a crush on was just a prelude to me loving your daughter.
SPiders are bad but I may have to reevalute my opinionof the teeny tiny hopping kind. I thought those were the worst but I think I know better now - I've seen the light...aka the 8 legged dinner plate.
Thats my favorite story ever. Straight and to the point.
Talk about cutting out the fluff, I need to take pointers from you.
Also, your mom and mother-in-law read your blog? That's ballsy.
You're editing skills are the type I wish I had when I was actually employed as an editor!
WWoW - No dice...that was just wrong.
RS - Thanks...Pt. 2 ended up being a little longer.
Chardsy - I actually started the blog for mom...
DKG - Thanks...but as you are aware, my posts are usually not so succinct.
you are still a shameless kiss up. Nicely done tuffy.
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