So I go out of town for 2 1/2 days and I get tagged twice...what is tagged? I dunno, so I set off to find out...
Turns out it is a way for other bloggers to find out more about you and you about them. 7 things 'bout you to share to the, thanks "Ex" and "WHPH"...
#1. I am a baseball freak...Yes, it is like a disease for undergrad thesis was title
d "Offensive Output in Major League Baseball and its Correlation the Economic Cycle of the United States". I read about baseball year round...I go to games...I go to spring training...I have played in baseball (NOT SOFTBALL!!!) leagues for the better part of the last 12 years...I know minor league players and what they are projected to do in the majors. I follow trade rumors and front office moves...and this whole steroid scandal is painful for me. Yes, it does get in the way sometimes...yes, I probably do spend way to much time on it, but it is one of my passions. I love it.

#2. I don't like reality TV, however Rob and Big have sucked me in. For the past couple of
years, my "Little Brother" would say things like "Do Work" and would call me "Son"...besides trying to figure out why this punk, 8 years my junior, was calling me son, this do work thing kept cracking me up. Then, one day he mentions Rob and Big...more specifically their purchase of a mini horse...I had to see this. Since then, I have watched every episode and most of them more than once. "Do Work" is pretty standard lexicon for me now and I have converted at least 5 or 6 people into fans. Sure, these guys are punks and most of their stunts are set up, but the interaction between the two absolutely crack me up and I can't get enough.

#3. I got a BA in History without reading one, single book. That is right...I never, not once, read a book in college. Sure, I skimmed or highlighted or reviewed, but I never sat down and read a
book...assigned or otherwise. Looking back on it makes me a bit embarrassed, both for me and for my institution of higher learning. I did fine in school and graduated in 4 years, despite changing schools 3 times and two different majors. Yes, I have read books since...actually have become something of an avid reader. I even went back and read most of the books I was assigned back then, but until I was 25 years old, books were not for me. That of course leads me to...

#4. I love Harry Potter. It certainly was not love at first sight though...I was leaving for a week-long business trip and had nothing to watch on plane. I had finished all my magazines and
newspapers and really did not know what I was going to do for 5 hours. My friend suggested Harry Potter...I laughed but said okay. I finished the book, but did not find it all that great. The very next week, I was in the same predicament. Nothing to read/watch and another 5 hour flight. I grabbed book 2 and got sucked in. Then book 3 was amazing, book 4 was sick, and I had to wait for book 5 to get published. Utter agony. Then it came out. I hated it. Actually thought I must have missed something so I read it again. Still sucked. Book 6 redeemed the series for me and book 7 was a bit hokey, but fun...I have read them all multiple times and have seen all the movies. I can also say, that thanks to HP, I love to read. It juiced me up to go read all the books I missed in college, to grab books for most trips, and to open up to many different cool things...books that I have loved include Einstein's Dreams, Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith, and Moneyball.

#5. I wish I could be a rock star. Either a drummer or a singer, preferably Don
Henley. Yes, probably more than being a Major League Baseball third basemen. I don't know is not like I long for the Rocker lifestyle or anything like that...I just wish I had that talent. Maybe it is because I have been reasonably decent at sports most of my life and can't seem to really sing a lick. Sure, I can keep a beat and probably could play drums for church with some practice, but to be able to be a rock star??? Wow-wee that would be soooo very cool.

#6. I am a romantic. I know, I is sick when a guy 6'5 and weighing in at a 1/8
of a ton (no really, I am not fat...just big boned), gets all sappy and lovey-dovey, but that is who I am. I enjoy many chick-flicks, love to send flowers or ice cream...I live to give little gifts, just because, I send love notes and I typically remember birthday's, anniversary's, and other important dates. It always makes me happy to have a candle lit dinner...I like to cuddle...I guess I am chickish in many ways...a very large chick, but chickish nonetheless. Nah, let's stick to romantic. That sounds so much better.

#7. Homemade Chocolate Chip cookies make me happier than just about anything...No nuts
please. Seriously...there are few other things in this world that make me happier. I love, plain old cookies...Nestle Toll house recipe is great. Of course, putting any kind of nuts in the cookie will ruin it. No, I don't want to pick through them, I just don't want them in there bastardizing my treat. I don't need fancy. Chocolate Chunk does nothing for me and designer ones never seem to be better...just give me a couple of the warm Chocolate Chip, homemade cookies and I will be yours forever. happy? 7 things you probably don't know about I guess I am supposed to tag some people...I will tag Stacey and she will do it...I will tag Chris and I think he might...beyond that, I don't know many other bloggers. The other blogs I read with any regularity have already been tagged, so it seems rather weird to tag them again...
I love it! I love Rob & Big! And I love romantics!
But where the HELL did you go to college? SDSU? Haaaaaaaaa.
Don't be bagg'n on my Aztecs. The Red and Black are back and on the attack...yo.
No, no, SDSU is a fine institute of higher learning. I bag not.
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