I was so distraught on Sunday that I started ripping out my beard...since Claire said that patchy facial hair is unattractive, I had to go ahead and shave the rest off. I vow not to regrow the beard until I darn well feel like it.

I don't know what was worse, watching the Bolts inability to punch it into the end zone, or hearing the weak attempt at smack talk Claire's little sister (and Patriot/Tom Brady lover) tried to lay on me...at least her fiance finally helped her out at the end and made me laugh.
Props to Sarah for trying...I guess when you are rooting for the winningest single season team in history, smack talk is not necessary. You just have to show up and point to the scoreboard. Argument over.
There was some good news...I did win a bet. I talked my buddy Neil into giving me 10-points (I know the line was 15, but I felt good about the 10) and the loser had to buy the other a Big Black T-Shirt...I went with this one.

I am sorry for your loss. We (OU fans) have had some big disappointments over the last few years. I know, I'm talking college and you're talking pro, but still, it hurts just the same.
Congrats on the shirt!
Wanna come to our house and watch our Patriots (not your Bolts!!)play in the Superbowl?? :-)
Ahhh now I see how you stumbled upon my magnificently boring blog. You know Scarlett & Hallie! YAY! We are in good company then.
As for the silver and gold wolf? Hmm... maybe it means that when you get old (I associate wolves with old, go me) you will deal with jewelry. Yeah, silver and gold. OR OR OR wait! It means that you can keep the old friends (silver) and add new ones (gold) since it is a wise choice to make (wolf). Miss Scarlett and Hallie can be the silvers, and I will take the gold. I think your results were directly linking you to me!
Yeah, I'm self-centered. Can you tell?
Tough Sunday all around. I went to back up my friend, a Bolts fan, whose wife and wife's family are big Patriots' fans.
Yup, there he was in his LT jersey and she in her Brady, with LT sitting down the whole game. Not a good sign and yet we rooted on and it was a tough lost.
Of course, we had to slink out to the garage after and mopped on the account that his wife is 8-month pregnant and happy as a bug and loud at the prospect of winning another Super Bowl in the house.
I like my brother better without a beard!!!
Also, I think you should go with this shirt: http://www.cafepress.com/how_i_roll.100600543
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