Something I hope I never lose the fascination with...Lightning. It reminds me of the time I spent in Nebraska as a kid. I love how it looks streaking across the sky. The power is awesome.
In SoCal, lightning storms are very rare. In VA they happen more, but up here in Minnesota, it apparently happens all the time.
So very cool.
I agree with you. I have a fascination with thunderstorms and lightning. We had a doozy of a storm last night here in Atlanta...lots of thunder and lightning...and I went off to sleep like a baby. Shooter even said that I didn't snore, so it lulled me into a death like sleep. ;-)
My wieners don't necessarily LOVE lightning!!
Hallie :)
I love lightening. It's so interesting and so beautiful.I love watching it while inside, cuddling under a warm blanket.
I love to open the doors and windows and smell and see and feel the storms.
Maybe because I am not in a tornado or hurricane spot...dunno how I would feel if I actually saw storms more than once a quarter. :)
Lightening struck the house across the street when I was a kid...it was cool...cuz it wasn't my house. ;)
The Maid
I was visiting my grandma's house as a kid once when a lightening strike sent a huge tree crashing into her front room. I still thought lightening was cool!
Anymore lately, all we have to do around here is wade outsid, look to the sky, and ask for a bolt of lightening, and we get one.
I love lightening but am terrified of thunder. Weird - I know!
lightning sort of freaks me out, then again i am a wuss.
Great stuff! You're right--those are rare here in SoCal. For a while as a kid, I lived in the Sacramento Valley and we had a lot of lightning storms in the middle of the night. The whole fam would get out of bed and sit on the porch to watch the show.
Growing up in Tucson we had great lightning storms. They're hard to get sick of.
I love sitting on my lanai when there's a thunderstorm. Something about the way the air feels and smells is amazing.
I am afraid of lightning.
So cool to see here as it lights up the night for a couple seconds at a time. Weird that its much whiter here in Tennessee (than I remember from SoCal) and without thunder most of the time.
It's Monday night on the North Shore of Boston and only a few minutes ago our sky lit up brightly followed by a loud crack of thunder. The lights flickered and I had to almost stop blogging.
Phewwww ... that was a close one!
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