So, for V-Day we decided no chocolate and only good food. What did we do for lunch? Bennigan's. Ah yes, the bastion of health, Irish Pub Food. What did we order? Glad you asked...
"Good afternoon and welcome to Bennigan's. Can I get your drink order?"
"Yes, and I think we are ready to order our food as well.. Can we get a Turkey O'toole, one of those deep fried, ham and cheese sandwich egg roll thingy's, and a large diet coke."
Yes, we were living, breathing examples of Good Eats. A cheesy, meaty sandwich on pretzel bread, served with fries...a ham and Swiss sandwich that is dipped in batter and deep fried (called a Monte Cristo). Then it was sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with raspberry jelly for dipping. Ah yes, the essential fruit, raspberry jelly.
But no worries mom(s), we shared our food and we did get the large diet coke, so we are covered.
Deep fried ham and cheese is healthier than say eating...a pound of bacon and a half gallon of ice cream. So it is all how you look at it.
Sounds healthy to me :)
Back in SD and all you can do is fried sandwiches? No In N Out, Beef N Bun, or at least run of the mill mexican??!?!?
Roberto's called - your off the island.
When my sister was preggers, I got sympathy cravings (it has happened with all of my sisters -- I usually know they're preggers before they do!) and I got cravings for Bennigan's Monte Cristo sandwiches with honey mustard sauce instead of the raspberry sauce. Every time someone mentions a Monte Cristo, that's what I think of. Well, that and the fact that it's a freaking deep fried sandwich.
Note to Claire in regards to conversation we had last weekend - Yup - you're gonna have to keep running :)!
I love a Monte Cristo...I could just crawl inside one naked and I would be happy.
hi there,
to your link from scarlett. hope you don't mind me dropping by.
good luck to you and claire on your health kick!
btw, which office might you be seeking someday? best of luck with your political aspirations!
William - I like your thinking. In that vain, I might just have a dozen donughts on Tuesday morning.
Katelin - We could hang out!
KP - No, no, no...we at the monte cristo in VA. We totally crashed the "toes brothers" while in SD!
CH - That is scary. Very scary. The knowing they were pregnant firts part, not the craving part.
Schell - Yes, a run is penned in our schedules multiple times a week once again.
Scarlett - There is a visual for us.
Amy - Thanks for dropping by. I have had a fascination with running for congress since I was a kid.
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