Sometimes the G-Rents were living in a farming community, other years they were living in a ranching community. I got to experience driving a tractor, cultivating corn, rustling cattle, and other miscellaneous "country" adventures...this included Branding Day.
Branding day was a celebration. The family and ranch hands would get together to grab the newly born calf's to inoculate them, brand them and in some cases castrate them.
Of course the castration led to the most obvious thing you would do to celebrate...
Eating Testicles...
Yes, we would castrate those poor bulls that were not going to be bred, put the little testes in a pot, clean and cook them. Then we would have a feast of testicles. Sounds like fun, no?
Well, that is what we did. And when I came home from that trip, I felt so guilty for partaking I went to every guy I knew and apologized for dishonoring the race of Man by eating an animal's "Family Jewels".
I still feel pangs of guilt whenever I see a cow.
Sorry little thing...I knew not what I was doing.
No, they really did not taste that bad. Yes, I have had them fried, boiled, grilled, broiled and steamed...I would probably do it again.
Thanks to this post over at WWoW for reminding me of that trip!
Shall I assume they taste like chicken?
Because assuming is all I'm ever going to do when in the company of bull testes. :)
yucky, better you than me!
taste like chicken?
Gross. You should post this later in the day - I just had breakfast...
My lunch was great until I read this post...
To be fair anything grilled is good.
You should know I JUST realized you had a blog of your own. And this entry, my friend, is what I get as a first impression?!!? *lol*
As with frog legs and, assumably, cow privates: if it all tastes like chicken, I'll pass on the balls and just eat the damn chicken.
oh wow, yuck. don't know if i'd be so daring as to try those.
Are you suggesting that it's ILLEGAL to ask for money to touch my wiener? Are you sure?
How much trouble are we talking? Jail time? Are you sure? My wiener is really cute...that must help for something!
Ewww. I just spit out my coffee.
I hope I don't put us back a few years by admitting this but here in Montana, we have (several) annual Testicle Festivals where everyone gets together and (I'm assuming) drinks a lot of beer and eats bull balls.
I have never participated in this ritual even after living here for 11 years but it's apparently pretty popular. There are multiple communities that hold these events.
I'm curious about how this came about...."Now what do we do with them?"..."We could eat them, I bet they are mighty nutritious"....."You go first".....LOL!
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