Claire remembered that while she was in Kuwait, she read about an escaped tiger in the newspaper. The article said that if you encountered the animal, the best way to survive would be to offer it an non-essential body part.
So our plan was to let Claire hold out her left arm to be attacked...at which point I would jump on the beast's back and choke it out.
Think that would work?
How much does it suck to be Claire's left arm?
You know, since hearing your plan., old lefty is trying to make a deal with righty... "Hey buddy, wanna switch sides for awhile? The view is TOO DIE FOR over here!" (to die for...get it?)
A tiger eating Claire...lucky Tiger.
Okay sorry maybe inapropiate but I had to say it.
Oh I feel sorry for Claires left arm - sure hope shes right handed...
I've never personally come face to face with a tiger, and hopefully never will, but it sounds like good advice...
Be sure to take Claire's ring off before the offering...
Why her left arm? I don't get it. Was Claire OK with this decision?
well let's hope you never have to put that theory to use, haha.
Did everyone just skip over the Bogart choking out a Tiger?!?! Is it safe to assume that's because you can in fact choke out a Tiger?? Nicely done sir.
Sorry Claire - best of luck with the arm and all (grin).
I think Claire would have more luck choking out the tiger - I say offer up YOUR arm and let her do the chokin'!
Fortune Cookie for Claire:
Beware of man with tiger-choking plan.
Hey, that rhymes!
Having seen a tiger close up recently at Disney World I would have to say if I encountered one for real I would tuck my head between my legs and kiss my butt goodbye... They are huge and fast. You don't have enough body parts to offer up.
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