San Diego to to Kansas City? Where is the ocean?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Congratulations Are In Order
Congratulations to Senator Obama...nay, President Elect Obama.
I hope this concludes any discussion in America as to which country provides the best opportunity for its citizens. Any child, regardless of race or background, can truly be anything he/she wants to be.
Well put....
Hallie :)
It feels pretty darn amazing, too.
Well said, indeed.
I did not vote for him, but wish him all the best of luck. Your post was written well:)
he sings hope to me, I don't know why...but I "hope" he gets 'er done!
We do live in the land of opportunity.
I still want to be an NBA player.
time is running out.
well said, very well said.
Very well said. I hope he can do what he's promised us...
I want to be tall and thin and independently you think there is hope for me?
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