So, one of the things I love about Christmas is the reminiscing that always seems to take place...this morning I was reminded about one of my favorite all-time stories...entirely non-Christmas related...it happened when one of my best friends, we will call him "Teddy", was out at a bar with some college buddy's. "Teddy" was challenged to talk to the prettiest girl in the bar...it went something like this:
Teddy: Hi...I'm "Teddy", wanna dance?
Hot Girl: No
Teddy: No what?
Hot Girl: No, I don't want to dance.
Teddy: I did not ask you to dance. You must have misunderstood me, I said you look fat in those pants.
That was the sound of "Teddy's" face getting slapped...and if you are not laughing, reread the exchange out loud...
Ahhhh memories.
I love it!! I needed a laugh today.
Bwahaha. Brillant! I think I'm in love with Teddy.
Just thinking about this story got me thinking of more "Teddy" stories...I am sure there will be more to share someday...like days I don't have much else to say...
And don't worry "Teddy", there are some stories that are not for public consumption!
I ditto Ex.
My cousin asked a girl to dance, she said "no". His response? "Well, why are you being so picky? I'm not!"
I am crying laughing. Teddy, you're the man. So does this mean "you can't be mad at her" is next??!?
KP...that story is not to be shared in mixed company...I mean, dude, my mom reads this and stuff...
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