Claire and I had a wonderful trip to Norway...She was there for 2 1/2 weeks for work and I was there for 9 days because I like to be with my wife.
It was an interesting place and one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. You like camping, hiking and/or biking...then you would love Norway.
Here are some of the things that struck me as interesting...
1. They seem very serious about the whole small car thing...

2. In some parts of town, you can take your time and cross the street leisurely.

Other places, you need to hustle and apparently dress very dapperly...

3. The bathrooms are a treat. The men get to smoke pipes and, from the looks of it, the women get to go shopping...

4. The manhole covers all have a little story to tell....

5. They seem to like this statue that sorta looks like a Chocolate Man...they are all over town.

And this is quite possibly the most beautiful place I have EVER been...

It is called
Preikestolen or Pulpit Rock. It is 25 meters x 25 meters and is a sheer cliff about 1/4 above the water. AMAZING.

It was also quite scary...the wind blows and that cliff just drops off. We did what any sane American would have done, we hung off the edge:

It was a good trip and we had a wonderful time together...I am so blessed to have a wonderful wife and life.