We started with a great day going downtown. We ate lunch at Mother's (it was good, but WAY overpriced!)

We toured around the city, tried a pineapple mojito (really good) and then went to the Insectarium. Now, I am not a fan of bugs. Really don't like them much. Spiders in particular are, well, difficult for me. But I pushed through, learning all about the creepy crawly things that populate the world.
To add a topper to this afternoon, we had the opportunity to enact a little revenge on the insects. It was time to eat them.

The Insectarium provided a place for us to taste a number of different kinds and flavors. We actually enjoyed it and I even bought some bugs to take home for Claire to sample.
I've found a couple giant spiders in my house this weekend. If you want, I could scoop out their carcasses and send them off to you! I hate bugs, but I don't think I'd be up to exacting my revenge upon them in such a way!
Hanging out with your in-laws AND eating bugs?
I mean c'mon I can understand the eating the bugs part....
yuck. were they smothered in chocolate or peanut butter at least? Thats probably the only way you'd get me to try them... unless they were slimy...
umm i don't think anyone could pay me to eat insects. uck.
I can't say I've ever intentionally eaten bugs. And really, spiders? Have you read my blog?!
Clearly you and I have different definitions of visiting the in laws. Me no eatie buggies...
I unflinchingly refuse the Insectarium.
Dude! Seriously?!
I'm adding this place to my new book "1001 Places to NOT go to before you die".
seriously that is gross so gross in fact that im not using punctuation and thats really hard for me to do but its my way of handling things like smashed maggots being made into food i cant believe you traded american currency for that you could have gotten a pizza or something man good heavens thats sick
Bogart - I'm the youngest P is the middle child!
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