That of course moved to thoughts of other things...

Chitlins - "Hey ma, I got an idear...let's take dem der pig intestines, fill them up with shtuf, make it hot and eat it." "What? Uh ha, I know it smells like pooh on a hot summer's day, but I am sure it would taste wonderful!"
Cracklin/Pork Rinds - Deep fried skin and fat...really?
Monk Fish - I imagine that is what satan looks like. Let's eat it.
What other foods make you think "What the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks were they thinking?"
Haggis - sheep intestines, /gag
Kidney Pie - /double gag
Blood Pudding? from the same animal they got the kidneys from?
When I think of eating Lobster I always remember in the Movie Splash Darryl Hannah just biting into the lobster, shell and all.
You haven't had losbter till you've eaten a Real Maine Lobstah! I'm not kidding...they are YUMMY!!!!
Remember when I went to Italy and they served horse? ICK!!!!
Eggs-let's take this emryonic thing that comes out of a chicken's butt and eat it!
That monk fish is hideous! I watched a show featuring people eaing monkey brains once. That was spectacularly disturbing. I've also read articles about restaurants serving horse meat and that made me cringe.
Well, for starters, balut - fertilized duck egg 17-21 days old and cooked. I've often considered this question, Bogart, even with regard to everyday "normal" items. For example, artichoke. Who thought that a prickly plant would taste really yummy steamed and dipped in butter?
Be careful with the crawfish comments now! Folks down south might just take that personal! And you want to stay in our good graces, don'tcha?
J in L-town
yeah i refuse to eat chitlins or pig feet or basically anything remotely similar, shudder. gross.
I always picture Satan to look like Vladimir Guerrero. I don't imagine a monk fish at all.
haha! Remember the monkfish liver? I still can't believe you ate that....
Okay, its not disturbing or making Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" show, but crème brûlée is kind of like cold fusion to me. Who came up with that process?
((and why not just stop at flan or custard or even jello, I mean, c'mon now - who thinks of that!?!??!))
Mom would say ... "Joe, coma hava some bread and a tripe".
Mmmmm ... Why would I want to eat the stomach lining of a cow?
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