Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bogart out of P-Towne we are starting to get settled in.

We close on the house Monday. We have a little work to do on the house before we move in (painting walls and stripping wall paper), but we are so stoked to do it.

By that I mean, we are writing a check to someone to take care of it for us.

We also have some moving to do and unpacking...

Again, that will mostly mean sitting back and watching the movers open boxes and put stuff where we tell them.

But we will be buying furniture, tv's and tools for the manly things I need to do now that I am a homeowner again.

During the next couple of weeks, I will be stepping away from the blog. Getting it ready for the new roll-out and new name.

We will be back, better than ever after we get back from our Dive Trip May 19-23 to the Florida Keys.

In the meantime, I highly recommend you check out these wonderful blogs:

Poop and Boogies <-- My bloggin' man crush
Eating in South Louisiana < will be after checking them out
The Maiden Metallurgist <-- So Chic yet so work with your hands
BSing with Friends <-- My far left HS buddy that will argue politics with me
FDKG <-- Can be lol funny


See you in a couple weeks!


WILLIAM said...

Thanks for the link dude.

for a different kind of girl said...

My thanks for the link, too. I'm going to just assume you put me at the end because you like saving the best for last?


Enjoy settling into your new home!

April said...

Okay it's been more than a couple of weeks. It's been six. What the H? Where are you Bogart? Are you coming back to blogworld? Where are you BOGART?????